Today, the Bangladesh Embassy, Tokyo has observed the Holy Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi -2023, marking the anniversary of birth and death of Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) with due religious festivity and fervour. The program started in the morning with hoisting of the National Flag as per rules. The messages issued by Hon’ble President and Hon’ble Prime Minister on the occasion were read out by Embassy officials. In his remarks, H.E. the Ambassador said 0n this day commensurate with the 12th Rabiul Awal of the Hijri calendar - Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) was born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia in Hijri 570 . He also died on the very day in Medina in Hijri 632 and was buried there. Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) was made the last Prophet by Almighty Allah and guided as an example for the entire mankind to the path of peace. He said that the Eid-e- Milad-un-Nabi has been celebrated in the Muslim world as a holy and glorious day. Ambassador said, Almighty Allah sent Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) as the savior for the people of this world on the path of Islam from the path of sin, tyranny, oppression, falsehood, superstition, and anarchy. A discussion on the significance of the day was held following the remarks of H.E. Ambassador. Finally, the programme ended with 0ffering a special dua and munajat for the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and for the peace, progress and prosperity of our country and people.
Bangladesh Embassy, Tokyo observed the Holy Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi -2023